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High ACT Scores: Need-to-Know Tips and Strategies

High ACT Scores: Need-to-Know Tips and Strategies

General strategies for the ACT

Relax the night before the test

Don’t cram. You might be being tested on knowledge that you have accumulated over the course of the season. And over the past few months especially, you’ve been taking ACT prep. Studying at the past minute is only going to stress you out for very gain that is limited. Head to a movie or hang out with a friend — almost anything to get the mind off the test!

Count on the strategies you’ve learned through ACT test prep

The ACT help you’ve gotten over the past months that are few included a quantity of specific strategies that are guaranteed to boost your score during ACT testing. Don’t allow them to slip the mind. Follow the advice and strategies that you’ve picked up during preparation. If you want a quick refresher, try running all the way through the free ACT practice test available only at Peterson’s, keeping those strategies in your mind as you go — but be certain not to ever stress yourself out using this method (see the above tip)!

Test Specific methods for high ACT scores

When searching for sentence errors, begin by reading the sentence or paragraph carefully, listening in your head; usually the word or phrase that contains a mistake will sound wrong. If no errors pop up, seek out the four most frequent kinds of errors:

  • Errors within the relationship amongst the verb and its own subject
  • Pronoun errors
  • Sentence errors that are structure
  • Awkwardness, verbosity, and incorrect use of idioms


As soon it and move on — there are no ”degrees of rightness” to be considered as you find the right answer, mark. Marking up diagrams or sketching simple drawings when none can be obtained will allow you to ”see” the answers. The questions generally concentrate on mathematical reasoning, not your capability to do calculations; then you’ve probably overlooked a simple shortcut if you find yourself spending too much time figuring the problem out.

Math: Multiple-Choice Questions

While you sort out the multiple-choice math questions, you’ll be given reference information (formulas and facts), but you’ll need to find out how to make use of them. You’re allowed to use a calculator, but, again, you won’t be helped by it unless you know how to approach the difficulties. If you’re stuck, try substituting numbers for variables. You are able to try plugging in numbers through the answer choices. Focus on the number that is middle. In that way, you can strategically choose one that’s higher or lower if it doesn’t work.

Utilize the three-stage method (previewing, reading, and reviewing) to get the most out of each reading passage. Focus on the big ideas in each passage, not the details that are small. Search for connections among ideas in each passage. To help you find answers quickly, take down notes as you read, marking the ideas that are main connections together with your pencil.

Science Reasoning

Make use of the same three-stage method (previewing, reading, reviewing) for each science reasoning passage. In data representation passages, give attention to what is being measured, relationships among variables, and trends in data. Don’t be confused by irrelevant information or technical terminology — most science reasoning passages keep these things, and additionally they can almost always be ignored.

Writing (Optional)

Essays are scored holistically, which means that the ultimate score is dependant on an overall impression. To make that overall impression a beneficial one, be certain to prepare your opinions into a standard essay format. A essay that is well-organized of four to five paragraphs, including an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. Aim to have at least two body paragraphs to develop and support your thinking.

To get more help get yourself ready for test day, check out write my paper Peterson’s Test Prep products for practice tests, online courses, guide books, and more.

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